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Explain Why Your Favorite Shows Were Cancelled The TV-show "Hart of Dixie" has been cancelled after four seasons. Read why here! The show had a great cast with Rachel Bilson and Jaime King playing two friends trying to make it in a small Southern town, but was plagued by low ratings. The writers have had some good ideas for the show but never seemed to commit to any one direction. It started as a family comedy about a young girl from the big city moving to a small town and has transitioned over the years into a quirky drama about two new friends. It still hasn't found its voice and is suffering from low ratings as it enters it's fourth season, which will be its last. Unless something changes soon, it will not be renewed for a fifth season next year, making it one of the highest rated shows canceled this season!

How Many People Per Hour Are Arrested In The US? In America, roughly 1 out of every 22 people are arrested at some point in their lifetime. The number of people arrested for a crime is at an all-time high. The reason why we still don't understand the numbers of people who are arrested every year is that the FBI and other government agencies don't compile and analyze these statistics consistently and independently. It's more convenient to keep everything on their own books, but they refuse to make public how many people they arrest every year. What Is The Average Weight Of A Man? What is the average weight of a man? About 24 pounds (108 kilograms), according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Men tend to be heavier than women; however, several hundred years ago, women had larger bodies than men due to higher levels of estrogen in their bodies. How Many Animals Are You Eating? About 57 billion animals are killed every year worldwide to be turned into food. Half of these animals are chickens, and the rest is made up mostly of cows and pigs. Many people, especially in Western culture, consume meat on a regular basis without even realizing what they are doing. It is important to think about how much meat is actually consumed on an annual basis because most people don't give it much thought at all.

How Many People On Your Block Are Over 100 Years Old? In the United States, about 1 in 10 people are more than 100 years old. The number of centenarians is rising but the number has been rising gradually for a long time. It's a different story in other countries, however. In Japan it is very common for people to live to more than 100 years of age and some have even been known to live to 200 or 300 years of age! In some countries it's common for women to live past menopause as well as men, which means that they won't start having problems with aging until after their mid-to-late 60s.


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